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Happy New Year from PACT!

January 9, 2024

PACT's 2024 New Year’s Message

It has been a whirlwind five months since joining PACT. Getting to work alongside the small-but-mighty team of staff and board volunteers, including spending some time together at our retreat in December, has reinforced how lucky I am to return to this dynamic community. 

The year ahead will include moments of joy, comfort, success, laughter, connectedness, and making lots of great art. We know it will also include moments of challenges, lows, and difficult decisions. In those times, please reach out. We are your association – know you can always reach out to me, our team, or a board member to keep us updated on how we can help, or just to listen. The greatest value of PACT has always been the opportunities to connect and support one another – through regional or caucus meetings, peer-to-peer sessions, committees, or conferences.  

Experts tell us that January is one of the most challenging months for mental health. I want to encourage all of us to create space for self care and continue to check-in and support those around us. Should it be a useful tool for your practice, PACT is pleased to once again partner with the AFC to offer the Mental Health First Aid Training this March. 

For some of us, the world can too often feel heartbreaking, bleak, and daunting. But in case no one has said it to you recently, what each of you contributes matters a great deal. It matters a great deal to your communities, and to all of us as a sector.  Sharing stories, asking questions, engaging audiences, building connectedness, sparking creativity – theatre matters a great deal. Please never forget that.

I look forward to continuing to work with you in the year ahead.



Brad Lepp
Executive Director, PACT

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