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Call for Nominations: PACT Board Executive

February 12, 2024

Every three years, PACT membership elects the executive positions for its Board of Directors. This is your chance to take a turn at leadership and play a role in shaping the next chapter of your association.  

While we do accept nominations from the floor at the AGM, our practice has been to accept nominations ahead of time for the Governance Committee to recommend a slate for election that takes into account the matrix of regional coverage, company category, equity and diversity to create a thoughtful balance of representation on the board.

We invite you to consider candidates for the roles of:

Yes, you can self nominate! Yes, you can coax and cajole colleagues that you think would be great for the role! But it all has to start with a nomination and the person being nominated should be aware that it is happening. We also welcome nominations that come paired or grouped for consideration (so a nomination that proposes both a President & VP, or a full Executive slate), however please note that two or more candidates from the same company cannot be considered. 

In full transparency, our current Treasurer, Evan Klassen (The Grand Theatre) has confirmed that he is willing to stand for re-election in that role, however, it is PACT’s practice to issue a call for nominations for all positions, including for those with an incumbent.

Elections will take place at the AGM in person in Montreal on May 29th. Details on registration and voting will be shared in the months to come.


All levels of experience with PACT and not-for-profit boards will be considered, the primary prerequisite being a desire to engage. Directors are reimbursed for travel, accommodation and per diems for board meetings, with the exception of the AGM.


If you would like to propose a person for any of these positions, please notify them first. If they are not interested in the nominating process, please let them know that they are welcome to reconsider until the deadline for submissions, or to let us know if they may be interested in the future. Please note that nominations from the floor will also be accepted during the AGM.

To Submit

Please forward the name and contact info of prospective nominees to Jay Dodge, Past President and Chair of the Governance Committee,, and please include:

  1. Name:
  2. Email & Phone Number:
  3. PACT Member Company:
  4. Current Title / Role:
  5. PACT Executive Position you are interested in:
  6. A paragraph or two on what the candidate / yourself would bring the role in service of PACT’s leadership needs at this moment:


The current PACT Executive is eager to chat and connect with anyone who has questions or curiosities about being part of the PACT Board of Directors and working alongside the PACT Executive Director and staff. Please feel free to reach out and let us know; we're happy to share our insights and thoughts.

Please reach out to:

Jay Dodge, Director of Governance Portfolio at: or Brad Lepp, PACT Executive Director at: 


The deadline for submissions is 8pm EST / 5pm PST on Monday, March 18, 2024. The Governance Committee will determine a list of prospective nominees and contact them directly before the AGM in May.

Thank you for your consideration and deliberation on who you would like leading your association. 

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